Friday, 3 July 2015

Parliament Hill

It is located in Ottawa which is the capital of Canada. It is a political and cultural heart of the city. This magnificent building is set on a hill. In summer months Each evening public is invited to parliament to watch sound and light show. There is a massive celebration of Canada day on July 1. In December the hill is filled with colourful lights in the celebration of Christmas.
 Lots of event organized every year for instance- Carillon Summer Music Program and changing the guard so on.

Here is a video about Parliament Hill

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Southern ontario is surrounded by many interested places. Everyone has opportunities to experience vast places like- rivers, national parks and beaches so on. Some of them are demonstrated below:-

Grand Bend Beach 

In summer months anybody can enjoy lots of activities at grand bend beach for instance- fishing, boating, live music, shopping and many more. This beach is home to many events too. And we all know Sand + Sun= Fun.

Here is a video that shows some good places to visit in southern ontario. It is just 1 minute long and very interesting.

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